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Terms and Conditions of Use

                                          TERMS AND CONDITION OF USE:

When you use this website, you consent to these terms and conditions. Do not use this website if you do not COMPLETELY agree to these terms and condition. Our Pharmacists are well trained with years of practice experience in various pharmacy settings. They are highly knowledgeable of the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs on the body and how the body interacts with these drugs.  While our pharmacist will provide you with evidence-based answers to your drug and health related questions, their responses do not serve as a replacement to your doctor’s advice. Never delay seeking treatment or disregard advises provided by your qualified healthcare professionals based on the responses you received to your query on RxPharmChat. Use the responses provided via chat or other communication medium on RxPharmChat to complement and clarify your doctor’s recommendations about your medications. 
The use of RxPharmChat and the contents provided by our pharmacists and on the website is at your own risk. They are STRICTLY for your information and education ONLY. THUS, WE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES TO THE FULLEST
PERMITTED BY LAW.  We do not take responsibility for any actions you take against evidence-based recommendations from your doctor. We do not take 
responsibility for any harm that may occur due to your lack of understanding of what you read on this website, responses provided to your queries on RxPharmChat, or acting against expert’s advice on the outcome of your health.
When you submit images, videos, audio files, or articles, you agree to only upload contents that are fully yours or that you have received all rights to upload such files on RxPharmChat. For your privacy, you agree to not share or upload any personal identifiable information about yourself.
RxPharmChat accept advertising from third party agents which are clearly displayed on our website. Under no circumstances do we endorse or recommend any product or treatment advertised on RxPharmChat. Your use of these products is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of use of such sites. We will not now or in the future knowingly permit on RxPharmChat advertising that we deem factually inaccurate, target any group, or objectively in poor taste. 

We have created RxPharmChat in such a way that we only require the minimum information needed to get you started and connected with our pharmacists or other services on our platform, thereby complying with the health privacy laws. We may collect some basic information about you in order to fully understand your medication and health-related questions and provide the best possible response. If you do not want us to collect or have access to these information at all, then you may choose to not use our service.

Donations and Subscriptions:
​Online Payment Processors: We do not and will not sell your information to anyone without your full consent. By donating or subscribing to a plan, you agree to share your personal information with RxPharmChat and its service providers.
CLICK HERE to read more about our privacy policy agreement


Community Guidelines:
What We Believe:
RxPharmChat welcomes all, regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, education, or social background. From the simple medication questions to complex ones; from digestion related questions to complex drug interaction questions; from emergency contraception to oral contraceptive adverse effect questions; and many more. All members on

RxPharmChat platform have the right to share their stories and questions within the member-only community section.


RxPharmChat community is a place where members can freely and willingly express their journey, where we value an honest and supportive exchange of ideas and experiences.
We encourage celebration of breakthroughs in health, as well as the challenges that occur along the way.


What We Advise:
Please remember that everything you read in our community areas comes from other members. Also, everything you post or respond to can be viewed by other members in the community. Our community is so large, thus we at


RxPharmChat DO NOT monitor or verify the information posted by our members. We rely on you to keep us informed of violations that you may come across. The information posted community, including advice and opinions related to medical matters, is the responsibility of the members who create the posts. They are STRICTLY for your information and education ONLY. THUS, WE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES TO THE FULLEST PERMITTED BY LAW

Should you have specific medication related questions, Click chat now to be connected with one of our pharmacists, in order to get evidence-based answers and suggestions by a healthcare professional.

What We Enforce- (Community Rules):
In order to keep out community section a place where differences in believes, ideas, opinions, and treatment approach are welcomed, we implore you to please follow the following rules.
A. Personal attack on any of our members or staff will not be accepted

B. Hate speech or any magnitude will not be tolerated and will be grounds for membership termination
C. We will not accept or tolerate ANY form of bullying or harassment. This will result in an automatic termination of membership.
D. We will not tolerate any activities that we deem illegal OR illegally conducted on our platform
E. Soliciting or revealing personal, private or health content from other members is not allowed on our platform
F. Advertising or marketing illegally on anywhere on our platform is not allowed, unless previously approved by RxPharmChat Team.


Violations of these rules or of our Terms of Use and privacy may result in your membership being blocked or banned from participating in any or all areas of our community and/or your membership being closed and/or your content removed from our site.

You may choose to not use our platform if you do not agree to these rules or our Terms and Privacy Policy.

RxPharmChat reserves the right to remove or ban any member at any time for any reason, with or without warning. RxPharmChat have no obligation to delete content that you may find personally offensive. We reserve the right to remove from our platform any content we deem inappropriate with or without warning.

Also, we reserve the right to modify these rules with or without notice at any time.




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